Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hain’s actress Shilpa Shinde has been in news since a long time now. This time, an FIR has been filed against Benaifer Kohli, her ex-producer. She has even stated that she has plans of filing a complaint against CINTAA as it has imposed a lifetime ban on her. A tough fight is being put up by Shilpa against Benaifer Kohli and CINTAA since a while and now the latest news is that an FIR has been filed by her on the 29th of March 2016. She stated that she would always talk to her producer about her health issues and would seek cooperation. They always had lot of fights with regards to timings and dates and also, the location was quite far away. In the month of March, she completed an year with the production house and Benaifer told that she was throwing tantrums, which was the reason she was being replaced. She was given a holiday but after couple of days, they called her back on the sets. Then Shilpa asked them to clear this news first and then call her. However, they...
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