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Buy VoLTE Phone : Best 116 VoLTE Mobile List Lowest Price Online

Now buy lowest price VoLTE enabled handset in India. We have made a VoLTE mobile handset list which you can but from online eCommerce website. VoLTE is fastest growing technology after LTE. Many manufacturing company is already launching latest VoLTE mobile phones.
With the entrance of Reliance Jio 4G networks in India, the craze of using VoLTE mobiles has increased. We have listed the best price handset which are as low as rs. 2,999. The last update was done in 4 august 2016. Currently the list of android handset are 116 and we will add more phones every week.

reliance Jio Mobile Phones VolTE

Brand NameModel No.Lowest PriceLinks To Buy
LYFFlame 6Rs. 2,999LYF
LYFFlame 5Rs. 2,999LYF
LYFFlame 3Rs. 2,999LYF
LYFFlame 4Rs. 2,999LYF
IntexAqua 4G StrongRs. 3,899Flipkart
KarbonnAuraRs. 3,899Flipkart
LYFFlame 1Rs. 4,397Snapdeal
XoloEra 4GRs. 4,444Amazon
KarbonnQuattro L45 IPSRs. 4,499Shopclues
IntexAqua RazeRs. 4,500Amazon
LYFFlame 2Rs. 4,500Snapdeal
LavaA76Rs. 4,549Amazon
InfocusM370IRs. 4,777Snapdeal
InfocusM370Rs. 4,777Snapdeal
LavaA89Rs. 4,949Flipkart
VideoconV45EDRs. 4,990Ebay
LavaA88Rs. 5,199Amazon
IntexAqua CrazeRs. 5,370Amazon
LYFWind 6Rs. 5,413Amazon
MicromaxYU Yunique
Rs. 5,636Snapdeal
KarbonnAura PowerRs. 5,799Ebay
IntexAqua SecureRs. 5,949Shopclues
LavaA72Rs. 5,999Flipkart
LYFWind 5Rs. 5,999Ebay
LavaA71Rs. 6,066Amazon
LavaX17Rs. 6,199Flipkart
MicromaxCanvas Amaze
Rs. 6,210Snapdeal
LavaX38Rs. 6,250Amazon
MotorolaMoto E 2nd GenRs. 6,490Ebay
IntexCloud StringRs. 6,499Flipkart
PanasonicEluga I2Rs. 6,690Amazon
LavaX11Rs. 6,749Snapdeal
IntexAqua Ace MiniRs. 6,749Amazon
CoolpadNote 3 (8676i02)Rs. 6,999Amazon
XiaomiRedmi 2 Prime
Rs. 6,999Amazon
LGSpirit 4G H442Rs. 7,099Amazon
MicromaxCanvas Mega 2
Rs. 7,154Amazon
MicromaxYu Yuphoria
Rs. 7,302Snapdeal
IntexAqua 4G PlusRs. 7,333Snapdeal
LavaX46Rs. 7,349Amazon
LYFWind 1Rs. 7,350Amazon
GIONEEP5LRs. 7,499Amazon
LYFWater 5Rs. 7,599Amazon
LYFWind 4Rs. 7,999Snapdeal
IntexAqua Shine 4GRs. 7,999Ebay
TCLTCL 560Rs. 7,999Amazon
LavaX50Rs. 7,999Flipkart
LYFWind 2Rs. 8,299LYF
MicromaxCanvas Sliver 5
Rs. 8,390Snapdeal
VideoconKrypton 3
Rs. 8,399Shopclues
IntexAqua ViewRs. 8,399Flipkart
PanasonicEluga Icon 2Rs. 8,499Amazon
KarbonnQuattro L55 HDRs. 8,499Flipkart
LGK7Rs. 8,499Ebay
PanasonicEluga I3Rs. 8,799Shopclues
VideoconZ55 Krypton
Rs. 8,879Amazon
InfocusM680Rs. 8,999Amazon
LYFWater 6Rs. 8,999LYF
IntexAqua Ace 2Rs. 8,999Flipkart
PanasonicEluga A2Rs. 9,100Flipkart
LGG4 Stylus 4GRs. 9,399Flipkart
InfocusM535Rs. 9,599Snaldeal
GIONEEF103Rs. 9,699Snapdeal
XiaomiRedmi Note 3
Rs. 9,999Amazon
PanasonicEluga ArcRs. 9,999Snapdeal
LYFWater 7Rs. 10,000Amazon
LYFWater 2Rs. 10,399Snapdeal
OPPOA37Rs. 11,558Amazon
LGK10Rs. 11,600Flipkart
GIONEEF103 proRs. 11,999Flipkart
InfocusM535+Rs. 11,999Infocus
MotorolaG4Rs. 12,499Amazon
MotorolaG turboRs. 12,499Flipkart
PanasonicEluga NoteRs. 12,900Amazon
LGX Screen (K500I)Rs. 12,990Snapdeal
LYFWater 1Rs. 13,200Snapdeal
MotorolaMoto G 3rd GenRs. 13,290Shopclues
MicromaxYu Note
Rs. 13,796Amazon
LYFWater 4Rs. 14,799Shopclues
XiaomiMi MaxRs. 14,999MI
MotorolaG4 PlusRs. 14,999Amazon
OPPOF1Rs. 15,200Amazon
VivoV3Rs. 16,550Amazon
GIONEES PlusRs. 16,599Flipkart
LGK520 - Stylus 2Rs. 16,980Amazon
MotorolaMoto X PlayRs. 17,499Flipkart
LYFEarth 1Rs. 18,558Amazon
SamsungGalaxy A5Rs. 18,760Amazon
LenovoVibe ShotRs. 18,784Snapdeal
GIONEEElife S6Rs. 18,990Amazon
SamsungGalaxy A7Rs. 19,990Amazon
LYFEarth 2Rs. 19,999Amazon
VivoV3 MaxRs. 22,990Amazon
LGStylus 2 PlusRs. 23,800Amazon
XiaomiMi5Rs. 24,999Amazon
CoolpadMaxRs. 24,999Amazon
SamsungGalaxy A8Rs. 25,389Amazon
LGGoogle Nexus 5X
(LG -H791)
Rs. 25,990Flipkart
OPPOF1 PlusRs. 26,499Amazon
GIONEEM5 PlusRs. 26,999Amazon
OneplusOneplus 3Rs. 27,999Amazon
ZopoSpeed 8Rs. 29,999Amazon
SONYXperia Z5 Dual
Rs. 32,990Snapdeal
SamsungGalaxy S6Rs. 33,990Amazon
SamsungGalaxy Note 4Rs. 33,999Amazon
SamsungGalaxy S6 EdgeRs. 38,899Amazon
SamsungGalaxy Note 5Rs. 40,998Amazon
SamsungGalaxy Note EdgeRs. 41,506Amazon
SONYXperia X
Rs. 45,999Ebay
SamsungGalaxy Note 5 DuosRs. 46,990Amazon
SamsungGalaxy S7Rs. 48,900Amazon
SONYXperia Z5 Premium
Rs. 49,799Snapdeal
SamsungGalaxy S6 Edge +Rs. 50,994Amazon
SamsungGalaxy S7 EdgeRs. 55,900Amazon
BlackBerryPriv (STV100-3)Rs. 60,490Snapdeal


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