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The Top 50 Secrets of highly Successful People in the World

Everyone of looking for success and most of us are running behind the real success in life. I also want to do the things that brings happiness to me and people surrounded by me. Today i would like to share the Top 50 Tips to be a Successful in Life. Everyone among us want to be Successful like Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, billionaire, Bill Gates and more..
As you all know that there are only 5% successful people in the world. This means that only one person in Twenty is capable to achieves success in life. I am not saying all this, infact this is a result of a recent research. And you also know that highly successful people are not born that way.

Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates delivers the keynote address to the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference October 23, 2001 in Los Angeles. During has speech, Gates discussed various aspects of the new ‘XML’ technology and the Windows XP operating system, to be formally unveiled October 25 in New York. PHOTO CREDIT: LEE CELANO/Microsoft

Successful people
1. Look for and find opportunities in places where others can not see.
2. Discover what their real goals and dreams are.
3. Are optimistic or positive thinkers.
4. Have high integrity and speak only the truth.
5. Make detailed action plans for achieving their goals.
6. Never stop in the pursuit of knowledge.
7. Practice patience and persistence in their lives.
8. Stay focused on their priorities.
9. Are creative and imaginative.
10. Have clear communication skills.
11. Seek solutions and do not mourn over problems.
12. Create success for themselves.
13. Do not complain and moan.
14. Do not blame others; rather take responsibility for their actions.
15. Are ambitious and efficient.
16. Are clear about what they want in life.
17. Keep themselves busy.
18. Are life-long learners.
19. Do not believe in chance or luck.
20. Attempt to do the impossible.
21. Are adaptable and ready to accept change.
22. Are physically fit.
23. Are not lazy and lethargic.
24. Set high standards for themselves.
25. Believe in the saying- work while you work, play while you play.
26. Complete what they begin.
27. Practice what they preach
28. Are kind and generous to others.
29. Live life to the fullest.
30. Love to face challenges.
31. Have value for time.
32. Respect their seniors and elders.
33. Care for others.
34. Are reliable and trustworthy.
35. Are humble and submissive in nature.
36. Live within a budget.
37. Get out of bed early.
38. Meditate.
39. Pray regularly.
40. Make reading a habit.
41. Do not procrastinate.
42. Realize the importance of a mentor or coach.
43. Develop an effective network.
44. Can balance both home and work.
45. Know when to take smart risks.
46. Understand the politics of the organization.
47. Give out positive energy to those around them.
48. Laugh it out.
49. Are well organized.
50. Love and value themselves.


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