The typical definition of multitasking refers to the ability of a microprocessor to apparently process several tasks simultaneously. As multi-core CPUs entered the market, the "shared computing" of a single processor was then set free to allow for multiple programs to be operating and running applications at the same time. By definition multi-tasking makes computing better, especially if you're a power user. If you are just a regular user, like most people, multitasking should just blend into your work stream in a meaningful way. It's interesting to note that the human brain cannot fully focus when multitasking, people take longer to complete tasks and are predisposed to error. Although being able to run multiple programs on any device is a huge productivity win. I love the ability to check my calendar, quickly switch to a browser, go to an email, then go back to the same browser window or calendar without waiting for it to re-load. This to me is the most natura...
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