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Showing posts from April, 2011


I never wanted to read books. I almost hated reading anything. I though glanced at the morning newspaper for the important news and all. There was a good friend of mine who suggested me to read the Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. I read that book in 1 day, followed that with his second book, "One night @ the call centre". The books made me a fan of Chetan. I started reading books. Recently I started writing blogs. The way it turned my life is unimaginable. This website is one of the amazing things I've ever seen which is a product of a student. I know my blog have received mixed reactions but I want to end this post by these words ,"Every week 200 new visitors visit my blog, out of them 150 don't read my blog, 20 hate my blog, 20 would not visit my blog again, 10 love my blog and I write for those 10" PS: This post is very close to my heart PS: I would love if you leave a comment. PS: B.T.W I've an exam 2 month from now, yes I'm blog ...


It is not for me but for my readers. 'One' resolution fROM taday: I want to look like Aamir khan (without 8 packs) Bike or Car (and why): Car, I’ve three reasons for it 1. It’s safer than bike 2. I’ve always dreamt of going on a long drive with my soul-mate in a car. 3. While driving a car you can look into the eyes of.......... obviously you can guess?? J A chance to fly or a chance to be invisible (and why): Invisible, I suffer from Acrophobia (an extreme or irrational fear of heights). I would love to love: My parents, they deserve my love more than anyone in this world. Most recent Dream I had: I’m a kid again. Teacher in the school asks to describe a word and I was struggling L If I were to marry today, I would: If the girl is pretty, I would be delighted. If the girl is not so ..., I wouldn’t marry and convince everybody that I’m underage (I’m actually 20 years old). My Dream Girl is/would be: SHEEEE Best F...


In Chinese philosophy we believe that there are three types of luck that influence our life: Heaven luck– our astrology: the planetary alignment at our time of our birth and how that shapes our life. And the family we are born into and how they nurture and influence us. Human luck- our attitude towards life, our motivation and drive and the effort we put into developing our future. Earth luck– the energy of our environment and the impact that has on our life. Earth luck is feng shui. Remember we all have control over our human luck and our earth luck, therefore, 66% of our luck is in our control. The Four Principles by Professor Richard Wiseman Professor Wiseman has identified the four basic principles that lucky people use to create good fortune in their lives. Principle One: Maximise Chance Opportunities Lucky people are skilled at creating, noticing and acting upon chance opportunities. They do this in various ways, including networking, adopting a relaxed attitude...