Hai Friends, In the continuation of the series of the Interview Questions in the Microsoft Technologies, I am posting few more questions which will be helpful for the Quick reference in learning the concepts related to WCF, Assembly, SQL Server,Interface & Abstract Class etc. 1. What is the difference between Web Services and WCF. Ans. A. WCF Services = Web Services + Remoting + Security + Reliability + Messaging Queue B. Not only that, hosting is also one of the powerful feature in WCF where the service can be hosted in Self Hosting, Hosting in Windows Services, Hosting on another Service etc. C. Supports DataContractSerializer which is fast and can serialize fields and properties. D. Integrated Logging mechanism. 2. What are the different ways of hosting a WCF service. Ans. A. Hosting on Console application B. Hosting on Windows application C. Hosting on Windows services D. ...
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